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How To Play Pickleball Singles – pickleball singles rules

How To Play Pickleball Singles
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Curious about how to play pickleball singles, and what are pickleball singles rules? You are at the right place. So let’s get started! One of the key features contributing to pickleball’s widespread popularity is its adaptability.

Offering both singles and doubles formats to cater to diverse preferences and skill levels.

While there is much discussion on the frequently played doubles, pickleball is also a singles game. In this blog, you’ll explore how to play singles in pickleball, singles playing rules, and how it differs from its doubles game.

If we talk about pickleball singles vs doubles. Doublesplay emphasizes teamwork and strategic collaboration, while singles demand different skills and tactics.

How to Play Pickleball Singles
An illustrated bird’s eye view of a makeshift pickleball court on a tennis court.

Our journey will navigate the unique aspects of singles matches, shedding light on the singles pickleball rules, serves in singles, and strategies for scoring in singles.

Moreover, our information is your starting point, the theory for your practice. While this resource equips you with essential knowledge. Remember that true mastery of pickleball singles is forged through dedication on the court.

Your commitment, combined with the theoretical wisdom found here, will catalyze your advancement in pickleball singles.

Pickleball Singles

Pickleball singles are matches with single-player teams. While not as prevalent as doubles, they hold a distinct place in the pickleball community, the evidence for which is the separate categories for singles in tournaments.

In the court, a pickleball player plays singles pickleball using a pickleball and pad
Each team comprises a single player in pickleball singles.

Unlike tennis, singles and doubles courts have the same size and dimensions. Pickleball singles share the exact court dimensions as doubles. Primary rules like diagonal serves or restricting volleying in the kitchen also remain the same as in doubles.

So, how are the two different?

The game retains its fast-paced, dynamic essence but demands a personalized strategy. Let’s have an in-depth look into pickleball singles.

How to Play Singles Pickleball

Pickleball singles are played on a standard court measuring 20 by 44 feet, which is also used in doubles. Singles involve one player on each side and following the singles rules:

Singles Pickleball Rules


  • Only the serving player or team can score points.
  • Games are typically played to 11 points, with a requirement to win by 2 points.


  • The serve must be made diagonally across the court.


  • A fault occurs if the ball goes out of bounds, doesn’t clear the net, or is volleyed from the non-volley zone.

Non-Volley Zone (Kitchen):

  • Players cannot volley the ball while standing inside or touching the non-volley zone.

Double Bounce Rule

  • After the serve, the ball must bounce once on each side of the net before volleying is allowed.

Only Difference in Singles vs Doubles in Pickleball

Singles vs Doubles in Pickleball
Rule CategorySinglesDoubles
Serving RotationThe server switches sides after each point. Serve from the right when the score is even and from the left when the score is odd.Each team has two servers. After the first server commits a fault, the serve goes to the partner. After both players have served, the serve is passed to the opposing team.
Court CoverageEach player covers the entire 20-foot width of the court on their own.The 20-foot width is shared between two players, allowing for strategic teamwork and court coverage.

How to Score in Pickleball Singles

Both serving and scoring in singles share some similarities with doubles, but they also carry distinctions, which we’ll get into shortly.

Both pickleball singles and doubles are typically played until a team scores 11 points with a 2-point difference. Let’s explore how serving and scoring work in pickleball singles.

Serving in Pickleball Singles

A significant impact of reducing the team size to one in pickleball singles is on serving. In singles pickleball, the server’s primary objective is to send the ball diagonally into the opponent’s service court, initiating the rally.

Like in doubles, the ball should not touch the no-volley zone during a serve and instead land into the diagonal serving court.

The opponent must return the serve after a bounce, after which the server must also hit the ball after a bounce. Hence, two shots after a serve must not be volley shots. This is called the double-bounce rule, which must be followed to avoid a fault.

After the two shots post-serving, players can hit volleys outside the kitchen zone or return shots with a bounce from any part of the court. A rally stops when a player commits a fault.

In doubles, if a serving team commits a fault, its serving turn passes to the other team member. Once the team has committed two faults cumulatively, the serving turn passes to the opponent.

How many serves are there in singles pickleball?

In singles, if the server commits a fault and ends the rally, their serving turn passes to the opponent. Only the server can score points at the end of a rally.

The server gets a point if the opponent commits a fault and ends the rally. Therefore, the serving team must only commit a single fault to give up the turn to the opposing team.

The server is only allowed a single service attempt per service. However, an exception arises in the case of a let, where the ball grazes the top of the net but still gracefully lands within the proper service court. The server can, however, keep doing serves until they commit a fault.

Unlike the collaborative nature of doubles, where partners alternate serves, singles place the entire serving responsibility on individual players.

This aspect sets the match’s pace and demands adaptability and a keen understanding of the opponent’s strengths and vulnerabilities.

Scoring In Pickleball Singles

Faults, inherent in any pickleball match, take on heightened significance in singles play. Distinguishing itself from doubles, scoring in singles is an individual affair.

The scoring format in doubles tracks scores in the following format: 0-0-1. The first number represents the serving team, and the second indicates the receiving team.

The third number is unique to doubles as it indicates which of the two players of the serving team is serving.

Pickleball singles typically ascend to 11 points, requiring a 2-point gap for victory.

However, the game can extend beyond this threshold if the battle intensifies and the margin remains slim.

How to Keep Score in Pickleball Singles?

The scoring format for singles is a simple 0-0 with the two numbers corresponding to the first and second teams. The singles scoring card has no third number because both teams have only one serving player.

A single players plays pickleball in a court area
The serving team only has a window of a single fault to give up the serving turn to the opponent.

In singles play, faults take center stage, emphasizing precision and execution.

Common missteps, like stepping into the non-volley zone or faltering in the serve, are routine errors and pivotal moments that can sway the game.

Singles’ emphasis on individual performance magnifies the impact of each fault.

What Are Skinny Singles?

Beginners often find taking responsibility for the entire court as a single player intimidating. This is where the skinny singles come in.

Imagine the usual pickleball court undergoing a sleek makeover, dramatically reducing the width to just one-half of a serving court, creating a compact 10-foot-wide playing space. The players can either choose to play diagonally or on one side.

Skinny singles retain the same rules and scoring as standard pickleball singles. The serving style depends on whether you decide to play on the same side or diagonally.

For the former, your serve must enter the opponent’s serving court on the same side, and for the latter, your serve must enter the opponent’s serving court on the diagonal end.

Players must adapt their shots, considering the confined space, and adjust their serves accordingly. The condensed court size transforms skinny singles into a tactical battlefield where each move requires careful consideration.

How To Play Pickleball Singles as Beginners

As a pickleball beginner, here’s how you should get into singles.

The Equipment

Start by obtaining the necessary equipment: a pickleball paddle, suitable court shoes, and comfortable athletic wear.

Find A Community

Locate a nearby pickleball court through community centers, local parks, or online platforms dedicated to the sport. To enhance your skills, consider joining a pickleball club, connecting with experienced players, and finding regular training partners. Clubs often organize practice sessions and offer valuable guidance for beginners.

Do Drills

Engaging in drills is crucial; focus on fundamental shots like serves, volleys, and groundstrokes. Practice agility and court coverage to improve your overall game.

A girl is playing pickleball in a red shirt and blue shorts while holding a yellow ball and pickleball paddle
Finding a community to practice regularly with can give you a steep learning curve.


For sustained progress, familiarize yourself with pickleball etiquette and rules. Attend local tournaments to gain exposure and experience competitive play. Embrace the learning curve, and as your skills develop, so will your enjoyment of this fast-paced and inclusive sport. With dedication and practice, you’ll master the art of pickleball singles.

Pickleball Singles Vs. Doubles Similarities

Here’s our quick overview of the key similarities and differences between pickleball singles and doubles. We hope they are insightful for players looking to enhance their understanding of both formats.

We show some text on this image to provide knowledge about pickleball singles and doubles
Similarities in pickleball singles and doubles.

The Difference Between Pickleball Single/ Doubles and Tennis Singles/Doubles

Tennis singles and doubles have the same primary difference as pickleball singles and doubles. The tennis singles have one-player teams, while tennis doubles have two-player teams.

There are differences in the fundamental court design in tennis singles and doubles. A doubles tennis court is 36 by 78 feet. For singles, the width of the court is reduced to 27 feet from 36 feet.

Unlike tennis, pickleball singles and doubles don’t have different dimensions (except for skinny singles, which is not a formal competing category). The court dimensions remain unchanged, and the strategic emphasis aligns closely with both formats.

This subtle transition preserves the core elements of pickleball, making the shift between singles and doubles less pronounced compared to the more distinct differences found in tennis. The adaptability inherent in pickleball ensures that players can seamlessly navigate between individual and collaborative play, adding a layer of accessibility and continuity to the sport.

Final Words

In conclusion, playing pickleball singles involves understanding the same court dimensions as doubles, with unique pickleball singles rules for serving and scoring. Each player serves once per side and covers the entire court alone, making strategy and precision key to success. Familiarizing yourself with these rules will help you enjoy and excel in singles pickleball matches.

Frequently Asked Questions

The fast-paced nature of pickleball, combined with alternating serves and quick rallies, can be challenging to track. Focus on vocalizing the score before each serve and encouraging your opponents to do the same. Regular practice and repetition help reinforce the scoring process.

With time and experience, keeping track of the score becomes more natural, contributing to a smoother and more enjoyable pickleball experience.

In pickleball singles, a team consists of only a single player. The rules remain similar to doubles play, each player serving diagonally to the opponent’s service court. A serve must also happen with both feet planted on or outside the baseline.  

Strategy becomes more critical than ever with a more extensive court to cover individually. Singles play offers a challenging yet rewarding experience, promoting individual skill development and an intensive workout on the court.

No, the court size for singles pickleball is the same as for doubles, measuring 20 feet wide by 44 feet long. The difference lies in how the court is covered by the players.

No, in singles pickleball, each player serves once per side before the serve goes to the opponent.

No, in singles pickleball, each player serves only once per turn before the serve switches to the opponent.

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Charles Melton
Charles Melton
Charles has competed professionally for the past 11 years, having picked up the sport in sophomore high. He remembers the first time he held the paddle and made a shot toward his P.E. coach. Since then, he hasn’t looked back. He likes to write and play with Darcy the pug in his free time. He is associated with The Pickleball Professionals.