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Comparing Paddle Tennis vs Pickleball: Key Differences

Paddle Tennis Vs Pickleball
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Paddle Tennis vs Pickleball are two racquet games. Play with similar court size, paddle, ball and rules. The difference between paddle tennis and pickleball make it hard for you to decide. However, with little understanding, you can figure it out.

These two popular sports are similar in plenty of ways but you have to spot a few differences between pickleball and paddle tennis before starting.

Here’s what makes these two renowned sports distinctive.

Paddle tennis Vs. Pickleball: Key Difference

Have you ever thought if paddle tennis is the same as pickleball? Well, you must have as they are quite similar. These fast-paced sports are played on similar courts as compared to traditional tennis.

This sport is popular among all age and skill levels players. However, the difference between pickleball and paddle tennis is its courts design, equipment, and set of rules. Here’s a complete breakdown.

Paddle tennis vs Pickleball court size

One of the major differences that you can spot between paddel tennis vs pickleball is court size. The court size changes the dynamics of these two sports.

Paddle Tennis

  • Sizing: Paddle tennis makes it easier for you to hit without any restriction. With a large court sizing 50 ‘ft length and 20 ‘f width.
    This court is smaller than a traditional tennis court but bigger than a pickleball court.
  • Design: Paddle tennis court does not have double lanes. Also, you can see that its net is slightly lower than a tennis net.
    You can also find paddle tennis courts with walls too. This unique feature enables the ball to bounce off these walls during rallies.


  • Sizing: The small court size of pickleball might get you thinking whether you should choose to play or not. With a small court size, which is 44’f  long and 20’f wide, you may find it hard to hit hard.
    This is what makes paddle tennis vs pickleball court size differ. This key difference has a great impact on the game play.
    This court is smaller than paddle tennis court which makes you have to be extra competitive and practice hard to pull it off.
  • Design: Pickleball courts are similar to badminton courts. You can see that there is no-volley zone close to the net that restricts players from making aggressive shots in the court.
    While playing pickleball you may feel more controlled and bound to play in a certain pattern.

This key difference between pickleball and paddle tennis has a great impact on the players.

With paddle ball you can get more room to rally whereas pickleball demands for more quick and strategic movement and it is most likely a smaller area.

Hope you also like to read about padel vs pickleball.

Paddles and Balls: Which One Do You Prefer?

If you’ve been thinking is paddle tennis the same as pickleball then the difference between the equipment of these two popular sports will help you differentiate. You must be familiar with it to compete in the court.

Paddle Tennis Ball and Paddles

  • Balls: Balls used in paddle tennis are less bouncy but are similar to tennis balls in terms of size and weight.
  • Paddles: For paddle tennis you must get paddles made of a composite material, with no strings like a traditional tennis.

Picklball Paddles and Balls

  • Paddles: Pickleball paddles are heavy built made from composite or wood materials. But they are small in size and lightweight.
  • Balls: Pickleball balls consist of hard plastic. They are light in weight and bounce less than paddle balls.

The paddles and balls in both sports impact the gameplay. You may feel that pickleball is slow paced as compared to paddle tennis. Paddle tennis allows you to hit harder and play more aggressively.

Paddle tennis Vs. Pickleball: Gameplay and Rules

The basic difference between pickleball and paddle tennis is the set of rules in these two sports. These rules influence rules and play style. Here’s what make these sports distinctive:

Paddle Tennis

  • Scoring system: Paddle tennis has a similar scoring system like traditional tennis. The players have to score 15 points in order to compete.
  • Serving style: In paddle tennis, players have to play underhand. It means that the ball has to bounce once before being hit. Also, make sure that you hit the ball below the waist while serving.
  • Gameplay: In paddle tennis you have to rally continuously and swiftly. You can utilize court walls to create longer and more strategic rallies.


  • Scoring: In pickleball you have to score 11 points. Make sure you earn these points while serving the team.
  • Serving: For pickleball you must serve underhand and perform cross-court. Similar to paddle tennis you must stay below waist level while hitting.
  • Gameplay: Come up with a strategy when playing pickleball. The (no-volley zone) rule restricts you to play aggressive smashes across the net. Pickleball is slow paced and solely focuses on placement and finesse rather than power hitting.

Paddle Tennis vs Pickleball Size and Movement

You can instantly feel the difference between pickleball and paddle tennis when comparing the court size of both sports.

The court size directly impacts your movement and strategy. Therefore, it is essential to plan your strategy ahead.

Paddle Tennis

When playing paddle tennis you’ll have a slightly more competitive edge as it offers larger space.

Also, the court walls empower you to play in a more dynamic and fast-paced environment. As a paddle tennis player you must focus on power, placement, and utilize the surroundings of the court to display a perfect play.


To understand the key difference between paddle tennis vs pickleball you must differentiate between the court size first. The court size of pickleball is small and restricts you from aggressive movement.

This makes pickleball a more precise and controlled sport. You have to aim for shorter, and more tactful shots to compete. Moreover, pickleball focuses less on power and more on placement. This sport is ideal for you if you enjoy slow and strategic games.

Health Benefits of Paddle tennis and Pickleball

The health benefits of pickleball and paddle tennis will help you decide which one you should opt for. With pickleball you can enjoy similar benefits as cardiovascular workout.

With pickleball, you can improve your overall fitness. On the contrary, paddle tennis boosts overall stamina. Here’s a complete breakdown of both sport benefits.

  • Pickleball: Playing pickleball will make it easier for you to improve agility, coordination, and cardiovascular health. This sport is ideal for people of all ages. It promotes joint mobility and muscle endurance.
  • Paddle tennis: With a fast pace and larger court feature, paddle tennis helps you with intense workout. This helps improve reflexes, stamina, and core strength.

Whether you wish to get intense cardio workout or want to enjoy an engaging game, both sports offer plenty of health benefits.

Wrap Up

While neither of the two sports is better than the other, both paddle tennis vs pickleball are very entertaining for the players.

Paddle tennis is more of an active and fast-paced game while pickleball is more of an active game but makes the players think more and thats strategy.

Both are good. Yet, when you step in, be sure to know what is the difference between pickleball and paddle tennis.

The size of the court, the usage of the entire body, and play style are different but certainly, both sports are less entertaining by the same measures.

In case you are still wondering which sport is better, you can always try your hands at both!

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