Indoor Pickleball Sessions at Packer Arena Extended Until October 6

Indoor Pickleball Sessions at Packer Arena

August 5 – The Austin Parks and Recreation Department and the Austin Minnesota Area Pickleball Association are collaborating to use Packer Arena for public open pickleball for all area citizens.

The pickleball will be hosted from 6 to 8 pm on Tuesday evenings and from 9 am to noon on Saturday. Packer Arena has four pickleball courts.

The play will start this week until October 6th. All skill levels are welcome to the court to play at Packer Arena.

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There are no fees to play, but a request to donate $5. That will go to the AMAPA. To help the city build outdoor pickleball courts in Austin.

The AMPA is a newly established 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to promoting pickleball. Offering instructional sessions, organizing events, and developing an outdoor pickleball complex in Austin. For more information or to join the association, please visit