The Alaska United Pickleball State Championship to be held on July 11th – 14th 2024!
Get the Direction
- Players Registered: 43
- Registration Deadline: July 4th, 2024
- Registration Fee: $55
- Tourney Timezone: Alaskan
- Skill Levels: 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0
- Age Groups: 18U, 19+, 35+, 50+, 60+, 70+
- Playing Divisions: MS, WS, MD, WD, MXD
The medalists from the tournament will automatically secure registration at the Lapiplasty UPA World Championships.
- Gold – 100% ( Free event Registration )
- Silver – 50% off
- Bronze 33% off
The first UPSC event was hosted by on Feb. 20 in Mesa, AZ in conjunction with the PPA Tour’s Mesa Arizona Cup.
Registration Starts
- March – Apr Early Registration = $45 + event fees which is $15
- May – June = Registration = $55 + event fees which is $15
- July = Late Registration = $65 + event fees which is $15
- Age: All ages can play, but there are only three brackets
- Skill and Age bracket splits developed after the registration deadline.
- The Tournament Director reserves the right to merge skill and age brackets based on the number of teams in each category.